Our Ostelin Strong Alumni tell all
“I love getting out in the sunshine with my daughter. Whether it be for a walk or to play in the park, I find the fresh air and sunshine does wonders for my health” – Jordy Lucas
Vitamin D is important for healthy bones and immune system function, and with Winter on our doorstep, it’s important to keep your immune system function healthy during these colder months.
See below for how our #OstelinStrong collaborators like to get their Vitamin D daily.
Nour El Chami
“I like to spend as much time as I can in my mother’s backyard getting some sun, as it’s very private and so I can take my headdress off and sit in the sun without anyone seeing me.”

Sarita Holland
“I need my daily hit of Vitamin D from sun. Morning sunshine makes a difference in my mood and energy. I try to get some safe sun every day, usually by walking my dogs with my husband. I also eat vitamin D-rich foods like salmon, oysters, tuna and oranges! I’m so lucky to have a big orange tree in our garden.”
Ma-Musu Nyande Ocheme
“I enjoy going for walks to get my daily dose of vitamin D, alongside having a balanced breakfast with eggs, mushrooms and orange juice.”
Katrina Hawgood
“My favourite way to get my daily dose of vitamin D is by getting out in the sun, especially in the morning and afternoons. I normally start my day by going outside and looking over the deck at the sun rising. I find this helps me wake up and gets me motivated for the day. I then try to get out for an afternoon walk in the evenings or simply sit on the beach or in the backyard and take a moment for myself in the sun.”
Tegan Natoli
“I love soaking up some vitamin D popping, on my favourite podcast and going for a nice long walk along the beach.”
Jillian Vincent
“Getting vitamin D is an important part of my diet and daily routine. My girls and I feel our best when we have a chance to get outside once a day.
Our favourite way to do this is to go for a walk! We especially love walking up to our local café, getting a juice or coffee and then having a visit to the park on the way home. This is a weekly occurrence for us, and we make time for it even if things get busy.”

Jordy Lucas
“I love getting out in the sunshine with my daughter. Whether it be for a walk or to play in the park, I find the fresh air and sunshine does wonders for my mental health. I am getting my dose of vitamin D too. We live in Melbourne and as it’s Winter, we won’t have as many sunny days to get out, so I’ll be incorporating some fatty fish in our meals as well as keeping up our dairy intake.”
Nikki Langford
“There is nothing more I love than being in the sun! The warmth on my body and time outside is my favourite thing. I also walk daily, spend time in my garden and enjoy a bath in the sun during summer after a refreshing swim.”