September 5 – 11 is Women’s Health Week which aims to make good health a priority for all women in Australia.

Ostelin is dedicated to empowering and celebrating the strength of all women so, as part of Women’s Health Week, we tapped into our community to ask real women what their tips are for feeling their strongest, and healthiest, selves.

This year, we launched Project Strong and together with our charity partner 100 Women are helping to fund women’s and girl’s projects through community grants. As part of Project Strong, we polled the nation on what it means to be strong, and the women of Australia told us that the number one activity they do to feel strong is look after their health and wellbeing (56%).^ Some of the ways they do this is through light exercise (55%), positive affirmations (38%), practice mindfulness (38%), and weight bearing exercise (31%).^

Our community of women shared a range of activities across these categories that they undertake to build strength from the inside out.

Here’s our Ostelin community’s top 10 tips for feeling your strongest self.

1. Be consistent and keep your body moving

My secret to feeling strong is moving my body! Every morning I go for a walk in the beautiful sunshine then I do an at home workout with Finny which makes me not only feel physically strong on the outside but mentally strong to get through the days where I might not have as much to take up my mind as I usually would if I was working.

-Bella Frizza @bellafrizza

2. Commit to a morning routine

“My morning routine sets me up each day to feel empowered and ready to take on anything the day throws at me. Taking 15 minutes to sit still with meditation music and stretching my body with a few yoga poses to help centre my body and mind. This helps to give me strength of my body, mind and soul”

– Nikki Kangford @kombilife

3. Find support in your community

“Bare faced, hair washed, Macbook by my side and a Sunday afternoon working on something that makes me feel strong on the inside, and out… my business! The online space that allows me to connect with women to find their strength, as I have.”

– Jess Pinili @jesspinili

4. Try journaling

“I feel strong and happy when I am well balanced. When I manage being a Mum, a wife, a business woman and my studies. I achieve this by having a physical diary that I love to write in, taking time by myself to listen to podcasts and educate myself. I love getting everything that is on my mind out of my head and on paper.”

– Chantelle O’Neill

5. Spend time with your pets

6. Connect to nature

“In order for me to feel strong, I need to feel connected to nature, my environment, and surroundings. For me, strength starts within and it’s so important for me to unplug and get into nature. Days spent in the ocean, by a waterfall or just out in fresh air is where I feel like I can take on the world.”

– Catie Allen @thats.catieallen

7. Get some Vitamin D

“Long bush walks with my children are my go to. I love to take time away from the hustle and bustle of my daily life to find and explore walking trails with the kids. Depending on the day, the walk usually takes an hour or two, but the impact that it has on my physical and mental strength is enormous. To be able to get out in nature and soak up the sunshine and Vitamin D clears my mind and sets me up for the day ahead.”

– Lauren @lauren_and_3under2

8. Work up a sweat

9. Listen to your body

“Right now, I’m in a season where I prioritise sleep over working out in the morning and that’s ok – I know this time is fleeting. When I do find time to move my body I feel so much better for it! My body craves the deep stretch of pilates and yoga. Finding time for me and moving my body in a hot yoga class not only makes me feel stronger physically but mentally and emotionally too.”

– Jade Ball @jadellab

10. Try something new

‘For me, strength always comes back to courage and the willingness to try something new. Flash back to the Gold Coast Half Marathon…which is known for its fast and flat course! Which is pretty different to my usual terrain. But being STRONG to me, means I am willing to explore, be curious, seek play and put myself in different situations outside of my comfort zone.”

– Samantha Gash @samanthagash


^Ostelin Strength Gap Research – Research conducted among 1500 Australian adults by YouGov in April 2022, commissioned by Ostelin. Research available upon request from Ostelin.
