More than 18,000 women & girls will be directly supported.

As part of Project Strong, we partnered with Perth based charity, 100 Women, to support them in their mission to empower disadvantaged women and girls through greater access to health, safety, education, and economic freedom.

Each year, 100 Women provides financial grants to a select number of organisations that are undertaking incredible work in various areas of women’s empowerment. The grant funds are raised through the power of collective giving from the organisation’s members (any individual that contributes to the charity). This year, Ostelin matched members’ donations up to $90,000 which contributed to a total donation pool of $185,735 which will fund multiple grassroots initiatives.

Together with 100 Women, we celebrated this year’s 2022 grant recipients at the charity’s annual Gala Dinner on the 28th of October. The evening brought together more than 280 guests from the 100 Women community who joined together in commending the impactful work of the charity and the organisations it supports. This year’s five grant recipients were selected from over 100 applications from organisations undertaking activity to support women and girls through local, national and global grassroots projects.

The votes are in, 100 women’s 2022 grant recipients are…

A collage showing our Grant Winning ladies accepting their awards, and the Gala Dinner

AusCam Freedom Project, Cambodia

AusCam received a grant of $25,350 for their Freedom Project which provides protection and empowerment programs that enable girls to self-identify their risk of sexual exploitation and opportunities to receive immediate support. The funds will be used to prevent the sexual exploitation of girls in Cambodia and help build their resilience for the future through to education, mentoring initiatives, and web-based programs.

Midland Women’s Health Care Place Strength to Strength Project, Perth

Midland Women’s Health Care Place (MWHCP) received a $39,940 grant for their Strength to Strength Project – a three-step program which will offer support to 192 survivors of Family and Domestic Violence through peer group support and care services.  The program will cover topics such as resilience, money management, physical and digital safety, trauma management, career advice, and self-esteem building, with the final phase offering weekly sessions for up to six months, where participants are able to connect and access MWHCP’s resources.

School for Life Advancing Girls Education, Uganda

School For Life received a $39,383 grant for their Advancing Girls Education project in Uganda. This project will work to provide education, wellbeing, and support to a class of 50 girls transitioning from primary school into their first year of high school and boarding in the Mpigi Region of rural Uganda in 2023. The girls will receive high-quality education, mentoring and monitoring activities to support their education, and support through wellbeing and health care education, and menstrual hygiene management – a known barrier to participation in education.

Living Child Village Birthing Huts and Training Project, Papua New Guinea

Living Child received a $39,952 grant for their Village Birthing Huts and Training Project in Papua New Guinea (PNG). They will use the grant funds for their response to local health requests to improve local maternity services and fit out stand-alone birthing huts in five remote villages in PNG. These birthing huts will offer a clean space for labour and birth, with the program also providing lifesaving training to local Village Birth Attendants (VBA) and advanced training of exceptional VBA leaders. In doing so, Living Child aims to reduce maternal and infant death rates in the remote villages of PNG.

Sexual Health Quarters Empowered Resilient Sisters (HERS) Project, Perth

Sexual Health Quarters received a $39,110 grant to fund The HERS Project; a series of six peer-based, culturally safe, workshops for 35 young Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) women in the Perth region to educate and empower them on a range of topics related to sexual health, gender equality, and respectful relationships. Over a period of two years, the women will receive support in delivering culturally secure sexual health education and professional training. At the end of the program, they will be highly employable and ready to enter the workforce in providing skilled and considered care. Through empowering and supporting young CaLD women to harness and celebrate their strengths, the program will support them to fulfil their potential and thrive.

As part of Project Strong, our partnership with 100 Women will help to fund women’s and girls’ projects through community grants. Learn more here.