If you ask someone what it means to be strong, what would you expect the answer to be?

‘Strength’ as we know it is most commonly associated with physical capability. However, it goes so much deeper than what we can see.

Whether it’s mental, emotional or parental, strength comes in all shapes and sizes. Australian women, however, are seemingly in doubt of their own personal strength in all areas of life. In fact, a proportion (almost a quarter) of Aussie females don’t view themselves as strong at all¹.

Where this self-disbelief stems from is complex. Reasons cited in a recent survey conducted by Ostelin include feeling anxious or stressed, lacking self-confidence and not sticking to a diet or exercise regime¹.

This is in direct conflict with public opinion.

More than 8 in 10 of the general Australian population said they think women are strong in areas spanning finance, the role in the home and the workplace¹.

So, we need to ask the question: are women harder on themselves than they need to be?

Ask our Ostelin Strong Partner, Samantha Gash, and she’d say ‘yes’. She has gone as far to claim that we, as a society, must challenge female self-perception and redefine what it truly means to be strong as a woman today.

With this in mind, what exactly is needed to address this discrepency between inner and outer perceptions? Of those asked as part of our research, workplace equality, education and safety topped the list of priority areas for women’s empowerment¹.

As Australia’s leading bone health brand, we want to play a role in helping empower Australian women further. So, we are delighted to have partnered with charity organisation 100 Women to help fund women’s and girls’ projects across the country.

100 Women amplifies everyday philanthropy and collective giving in a way that empowers women and girls across the areas of health, education, safety and economic freedom.

We believe it is critical that we all work together to help remove the barriers that are holding women back and celebrate women’s strength in all its forms – and are excited to join forces with 100 Women in this mission.

For more information about Ostelin’s Project Strong and how you can support the 100 Women charity, visit ostelin.com.au/project-strong.

¹Ostelin Strength Gap Research – Research conducted among 1500 Australian adults by YouGov in April 2022, commissioned by Ostelin. Research available upon request from Ostelin.
