Everyone knows they need a variety of vitamins and minerals, but did you know that it can be beneficial to take certain vitamins and minerals together? For example, you need potassium and sodium in balance for healthy blood pressure and Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium.1

Why do you need calcium with vitamin D?

Calcium in the diet helps support bone density and helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis. If present in large amounts, calcium gets absorbed by the gut on its own. But in smaller quantities, Vitamin D actively helps your body absorb the mineral.1

What is the difference between calcium and vitamin D?

Calcium is a mineral found in food and the main building block for strong bones.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin found in food and a hormone made by your body.2 Vitamin D supports bone strength, a healthy immune system function and muscle function.

How much calcium and vitamin D do I need?

Your calcium and vitamin D requirements depend on your age, gender and lifestyle. To find out how much calcium and vitamin D per day you, refer to the Calcium Nutrient Reference Values3 and the Vitamin D Nutrient Reference Values4 by the Australian Government’s National Health and Medical Research Council.

Speak to your healthcare professional if you’re concerned about your calcium or vitamin D levels.

How do I get calcium and vitamin D in my diet?

You can find calcium in dairy foods such as milk, yoghurt and cheese, or fish, including canned sardines and salmon.If you’re dairy intolerant or want to avoid animal products, try firm tofu3, leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale and nuts or breakfast cereals and plant-based milks fortified with calcium.5

Vitamin D rich foods include egg yolks, liver and fatty fish such as salmon, herring and mackerel or fortified foods such as milk and cereals.6 Vitamin D can also be acquired from exposure to sunlight.

How do I choose a calcium and vitamin D supplement?

Look for a calcium and vitamin D tablet together for a convenient 2-in-1 tablet to support bone strength. Ostelin Calcium and Vitamin D3 chewable tablets increase absorption of calcium as well as Vitamin D intake in an easy to take chewable tablet.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

References available on request.
